We are a group of optical/electronics scientists/engineers at DTU Fotonik who have more than 25 years of experience in designing and manufacturing classical optical components and systems.
As you can see in our menus we do all sorts of classical optics, such as free-form refractive/reflective optics, diffractive optics, and planar waveguide optics. In many cases a sensing application is involved but, lately, quite a few lighting projects have popped up. Hence, we deal with both laser light and LED light.
Our projects involve any development stage covering prototyping, proof of concept, pilot production, patenting, building start-ups, technology transfer to existing companies, and fund raising. We do treat all projects confidentially. Hence, all presentations shown on this site have been approved by our project partners.
Take a look at our cases and technologies, get inspired, and drop one of us an e-mail if you need optical assistance or partnership in one of your projects!